Website Revamps

Rhea duFresne-Mann
Website Revamps
Regardless of how incredible your site is, there comes a time where it is necessary to make some changes! ⚡️

As technology improves and adapts, it’s crucial to keep up with those improvements in order to maintain the attractiveness and functionality of your website 👀

Take for example. I have recently gone and overhauled the visitor experience to keep it looking trendy and simple to navigate. Swipe to see just how much my site has changed over the years ➡️

1️⃣ 2020, Narrative Theme by Shopify using Online Store 1.0, ✨FREE✨
2️⃣ 2021, Express Theme by Shopify using Online Store 2.0, ✨FREE✨
3️⃣ 2022, Dawn Theme by Shopify using Online Store 2.0, ✨FREE✨
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